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Riviera Real Estate Ltd.

Riviera Real Estate was founded on February 14, 1961 by Mr. Ronald Leblond under the name Edmundston Real Estate Ltd. The main activity of the company was the construction and sale of properties and land. In 1971, the company changed its name to Immeubles Riviera Real Estate Ltd. In 1986, Ronald LeBlond's son, Jean LeBlond, began working for the company. In 1999, Jean became the owner of the company.

During the 1990s and 2000s, Jean LeBlond made a lot of efforts to grow the business, which started with two real estate agents in 1986 and reached a peak of 10 in 2002. Riviera Real Estate currently employs eight full-time agents.

In 2011, Riviera Real Estate was awarded the prestigious "Samuel E. Burpee" award by the Edmundston Chamber of Commerce. This award was given to recognize Jean LeBlond's business leadership, as well as his significant community involvement.

The key to success at Riviera Real Estate is customer service. There are several steps involved in buying or selling a property, and the company accompanies its clients throughout the process to ensure that everything goes smoothly. They know they are doing something right when their clients send them letters of thanks and recommend them to others.

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